This webring is a little unusual.. I have always had a love for gems and stones. My personal favorite is the ruby. I always saw myself as a ruby, passionate, romantic, enthusiastic, vibrant.. The idea for this ring came to mind when I found a place that did birthstone plaques.. Unfortunately I'm not real big on garnets. To me they just didn't "fit" with the person I am. And I decided to make my own sign sying I was a Ruby Woman.. And I went from there.. I had even just thougt of making a bunch of signs and letting women place them on their pages. A webring seemed much cooler..~Laugh~ There is one fragment, but 9 different logo's. Choose the stone that you feel describes you best or that you feel a connection with, or even that you just like. Upload the graphic to your own server and place it in the fragment..
Now for the rules..
Now for the fun part. Read the description and pick your logo....The logos are all the same size and are named jewel1.jpg to jewel9.jpg. WebTV users, just click on the logo and use the Transloader or Freeloader to get the graphic. Please do not link to these graphics. I have provided links below for ease in transloading.
Please check back from time to time to see if I have added more.. I am looking for more stones.. Thanks..
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Thanks for joining the Ring of Jewels.. If you have any problems or questions, please feel free to e-mail the ringmistress, Lady §tar§hadow.
My name is Lady §tar§hadow, and I own a GRRREAT ring! ![]() Please stop and see the other ring Lady §tar§hadow runs, Enlightened Women of the Web or stop and pay her a visit at her cyber home, Lady §tar§hadow's Retreat.
Graphics were created by Lady §tar§hadow and are only to be used for the Ring of Jewels. Thanks..